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the Nameless Arte 


Saturday 16th November

Balmoral centre Southend Essex SS0 7AU  


the Nameless Arte 


Saturday 16th November 2019

10 am to 6 pm (doors open 9:30)

Balmoral centre Southend Essex SS0 7AU  


The Nameless Arte Conference is back on 16th November 2019.

This year's theme is Traditions and Innovations 

This year's Speakers


Gemma Gary 


Gemma lives and works in the far west of Cornwall’ a land rich in ancient sites, folklore, season customs and magical tradition. Gemma possesses a longstanding interest in operative ‘old style’ witchcraft, folk magic and cunning traditions or her home landscape and beyond. She pursues a personal animistic path, deriving her craft from the presences, virtues and the lore of place. Gemma is active in the revival and reification of the ways of the working witch and ‘pellar’, both in her writing and her magical practice. Gemma is the author of a number of witchcraft related titles and co-owner of Troy Books publishing 

Shani Oates 


Shani is an Occultist, Mystic, Luciferian Pilgrim of the Forbidden Arts, Traditional Craft Practitioner, historian and writer of the Craft, Magic, Ancestral Tradition, particularly the Robert Cochrane Tradition, and the cultural Folk-lore and Folk-magicks of the Uk and its Northern Heritage. Spae-wife and Matriarch of The People of Goda, The Clan of Tubal Cain. Student of Anthropology, Tantra, Philosophy and the arcane ‘Other.’  Exponent of the devil and all his works through the authorship of several books that write authoritatively on the myths, gods and archetypes that imbue and inform the Cults and Crafts of Witchcraft and Folk-Traditions, from the arcane to modern times. Shani is the renowned author of more than a dozen books and articles relating to all aspects of witchcraft and the Occult.   

Jon Kaneko-James


Jon Kaneko-James is an author and researcher based in London. His works have included children’s books, articles on popular history, fiction and historical research. Jon’s particular research area is historic belief in the supernatural; how people believed, what they believed and the criteria for experience. Jon has also given a number of lectures on the supernatural in Early modern literature, putting the supernatural elements of 16th and 17th century plays in a context that contemporary audiences would have understood them. Jon’s current research project is examining the influence of fairy imagery on the witch trials, which a particular interest in a specific trial at the port-town of Rye.

 Georgi georgiev


Georgi Georgiev has been interested in Asian spiritual traditions for over a decade and currently is focusing his research on Shakta traditions, tribal cults and traditional medicine. He has completed his Masters Degree in Ayurvedic medicine and explored the area of Vajikarana and the influence of religion and spirituality on the development of the Indian medicine. He has presented his work on conferences in India and he has been recognised with number of awards from the Indian Institute of Oriental Heritage, Kolkata including the honorary Maharishi Patanjali award for his contribution, research and development of the oriental heritagehas been interested in Asian spiritual traditions for over a decade and currently is focusing his research on Shakta traditions, tribal cults and traditional medicine. He has completed his Masters Degree in Ayurvedic medicine and explored the area of Vajikarana and the influence of religion and spirituality on the development of the Indian medicine. He has presented his work on conferences in India and he has been recognised with number of awards from the Indian Institute of Oriental Heritage, Kolkata including the honorary Maharishi Patanjali award for his contribution, research and development of the oriental heritage

David Rankine


David Rankine is an author, esoteric researcher and magician who lives in Glastonbury, England. He has been making major contributions to the modern occult revival since the 1980s, through lectures, workshops, presentations, articles and books. His esoteric expertise covers a wide range of topics, including the Western Esoteric Traditions, especially the Qabalah, the Grimoire tradition, Greco-Egyptian magic and Ceremonial Magic, as well as British Folklore and European Mythology. David is the author of a wide range of titles, both as a solo author and in collaboration with a number of other writers. 

Martin Duffy


Martin Duffy is an occultist and writer from West Sussex. In his spare time he plays fiddle and dances with a masked border morris side. He writes on the subjects of folk magic, mythology and the occult arts; in particular the manner in which they relate to traditional witch-lore and practices. His written work has appeared in the pages of The Cauldron, Clavis, and Wyrd, and he has had a number of works published by Three Hands Press. His most recent work, concerning image magic, is Effigy: Of Graven Image and Holy Idol, whilst his next concerns witchcraft and magic in his home county of Sussex.

Speaker subjects 


Jon Kaneko-James - 'The Books of Anna Taylor: Women and Grimoire Magic'

Starting from the trial of a woman in Rye -- the middle class Anna Taylor, daughter of a local Cunning Woman -- Jon Kaneko-James will lay out the foundations for his next major research project, looking at women using literate magic in the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries, and the social trends that may have supported an uptick in women participating in the same sorts of magic as their male counterparts.



Martin Duffy – The Sorcerous Cauldron

Of all the accoutrements associated with witchcraft, the cauldron is perhaps the most familiar. It is particularly ubiquitous in visual portrayals of witchcraft, where witches are portrayed gathering about the seething dark pot to work their magic. In looking at the cauldron’s appearance in art and artefact, much can be discerned about contemporaneous belief in witchcraft, which in turn throws light upon the oral and written sources preserved in folklore, trial accounts, and chapbooks.


Shani Oates – The Devil’s Supper

From Scapegoat to master of illusion, the Devil is ever present as the Great Opposer. He is the primeval master of disguise, and master of ceremonies; he is the grand host of the Sabbat. Through incarnations and paradigm shifts, his coat is of many colours. From Heresy to Houzle, the enigma of the Devil is seductively astute. This narrative is an invitation to sup at his table as we profile him through theology and myth. As The Devil’s Supper tackles concepts of evil, sin, and retribution, what he has to say may just enlighten you!



Georgi Georgiev – ‘Dancing vessels of the Gods’ Tantric Possession Rites

My 'Dancing vessels of the Gods' talk will be discussing the ancient folklore ritual and performance art called Teyyam. It will discuss the possession rituals in dravidian culture which is linked to Tantric Occultism. The talk will also include a visual presentation.



David Rankine - The History, Development and Practice of the Grimoire Tradition

This presentation will explore the Grimoire tradition, from its roots in texts of the ancient world through its development in the Middle Ages and Renaissance to modern times. The focus will be on significant grimoires and the magicians who worked them, as well as different practices of grimoire magic they contain.



Gemma Gary/Jane Cox/Anna Dowling – Morvoren - Music for the Devil

The idea for Morvoren arose from the invocations and chants found in Gemma Gary’s book The Devil’s Dozen – Thirteen Craft Rites of The Old One. The book contains many invocations that naturally lent themselves to being put to music. The band is made up of Anna Dowling on Violin, guitar and Vocals, Gemma Gary on Bodhran and percussion and Jane Cox on Guitar, Bouzouki and synth. The tunes were composed and arranged by Anna Dowling. Morvoren aims to capture the mystic nature of the invocations and bring them to life in a new way outside of ritual. The band is also very inspired by the Guising tradition of West Cornwall, and we also perform guising tunes in full guise costume.




Plus Stall Holders 



Troy Books 

Aeon Sophia Press

Man, myth and Magic secondhand occult books 

Sickly Sisters Jewellery

Altar of charme witchcraft items


Conference Location

Balmoral Centre Southend Essex SS0 7Au 

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